The 6Cs of 21st Century Education

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In order to engage students across all levels of education, many school districts use the four C’s of education. These values have existed throughout 21st-century education plans and help progress students’ emotional, physical, and social intelligence. Recently, there have been two crucial additions to the four C’s, and in this article, we will outline the 6 C’s of education and their importance to the modern classroom.

Table of Contents

Why Are the 6 C’s Important?

When creating an education plan, you need to consider building a comprehensive experience for students to succeed. The original four C’s are communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. These create a solid base for interaction and mental exploration that can foster a positive learning environment for any age group. 

The final two C’s add perspective to this process: citizenship/culture and character/compassion. With the addition of these two, the 6 C’s create a mix of holistic educational values that can be applied to the classroom to help students learn through many different touchpoints. Each school district should have an individual approach to the 6 C’s, but overall, they are important to emphasize a well-rounded and socially adept learning environment.

6 C’s of Education

With the two newest additions, the 6 C’s create a holistic and well-informed list of values that every classroom should seek to emphasize. Not only do they help stimulate classroom learning, but they can help promote emotional intelligence and overall well-being. Here are the 6 C’s of education.


Communication is a skill that everyone needs to develop for educational, professional, and social purposes. It is a core value for the 6 C’s and requires deliberate effort to strengthen. Communication is important because, throughout any stage in life, creating mutual understanding with people will require strong communication skills, and education is the foundation of much of this capability. In order to emphasize communication, consider adding active listening exercises into the classroom to improve students’ ability to articulate their thoughts clearly.


Collaboration is important because, on top of facilitating critical interpersonal skills, it is a medium where students can learn how to communicate appropriately within a group. Regular collaboration can benefit students in many ways, one essential being that the outcome of teamwork is greater than an individual effort. Through collaboration, students can learn how to communicate correctly and work with different personalities to find the best outcome.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is an analytical process, asking students to question the assumptions given to them and search for an answer not immediately apparent. This is a vital skill to emphasize because it promotes deep thinking and learning in a way that other thought patterns struggle to address. Critical thinking is also super applicable to everyday life in an infinite number of scenarios, so these skills will follow them throughout their life when developed correctly.


Creativity is a skill that needs to be nurtured because it doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Understanding how to mix critical thinking and creativity can provide students with increased mental freedom to solve problems, create solutions, and express themselves in ways that would be difficult without those skills. It doesn’t have to apply to art, but artistic outlets are one of the best ways to train these mental muscles.


Citizenship/culture signifies the first of the newer C’s and emphasizes the importance of the surrounding world. Given how much information cycles around the world in the modern age, it’s increasingly important for students to understand their surroundings and develop a sense of identity in the global context.

This doesn’t have to be as intense as it sounds and can be as simple as changing the names and environment where learning happens. Small but intentional changes help inform students of what’s happening around them and how their future could be shaped through a global & cultural context.


The final C is character/compassion, and this is another recent addition to the fold. This point emphasizes the importance of empathy and compassion towards others, which is an essential skill in a world that is becoming increasingly digital. Rather than being focused on the material education of a student, this point focuses on building strong, empathetic humans that will go through the world caring about what’s around them.

Creating compassion helps increase the personal effectiveness of a student and is key to improving their emotional intelligence. Certain activities can help foster these skills and, similar to communication, can become a gateway to creating positive relationships in the future.

Creating character/compassion can be a subtle skill and might come mainly from the teachers and leaders in a student’s life, and hopefully, it can build leadership qualities in a growing student as well. Being able to act as a leader and show deep emotional intelligence is increasingly important both academically and professionally, so integrating these skills will only help students throughout their lives.

How to Integrate the 6 C’s In the Classroom

Understanding the 6 C’s is one thing, but implementing them into a curriculum is another thing entirely. Below we’ve outlined a few methods you can use to help inspire the value of the 6 C’s while directly targeting them through specific exercises.

Integrate Unique Learning Scenarios

In order for students to learn and utilize knowledge effectively, it’s important that they are exposed to a variety of unique learning scenarios. Instead of using worksheets every day, or just running through slide decks, try to integrate unique learning scenarios regularly, so students have the opportunity to learn through different mediums. 

Creating unique learning scenarios can help improve their communication skills when they run into unique challenges and can target key critical thinking and creativity exercises for solving new problems. Some examples of unique learning environments could be lab work, research projects, collaborative presentations, or debate teams.

Emphasize Projects

When creating a curriculum, it can be helpful for students to focus on long-term projects rather than brief, immediate assignments. Allowing students to work on the same project for an extended period of time creates an engaging environment where they can tackle the issue critically and create a unique and valuable solution.

Moving through multiple stages of a project can help students create valuable problem-solving skills, especially when these projects involve collaboration. Utilizing projects allows students to be creative in how they navigate the problem and find valuable solutions through critical thinking and collaboration.

Using Real-World Problems

An interesting tactic to address the newest C’s (citizenship/culture and character/compassion) is to use real-world problems in the classroom. This technique integrates outside knowledge into the classroom and allows students to interact with real issues to learn about problem-solving in the real world.

Allowing students to explore scenarios they feel involved in means they are more likely to take ownership over their project, fueling their involvement and learning potential. This also helps expose students to relationships, culture, and dynamic issues they will face later in life. This interaction style can be paired with project learning to create an engaging, long-form learning process that helps target all of the 6 C’s.

Mix Things Up

Collaboration is vital to the classroom, and engaging in regular collaborative activity is a strong pillar of the 6 C’s. When left unbalanced, however, collaboration can stagnate, with familiar groups communicating in similar ways and falling into a regular pattern. 

Within your collaboration, it’s important to mix things up regularly. This means changing groups, problems, and layouts to facilitate new communication channels. Mixing groups is one of the most important pieces of effective collaboration because it ensures a healthy mix of perspectives, learning styles, and communication abilities. Facilitating regular balancing between background, gender, and relationships ensures that everyone is communicating with unique groups, expanding their collaboration toolbox.


Creating an effective curriculum isn’t easy, but when using the 6 C’s as your backbone, you can ensure that whatever you create will help facilitate important growth for your students. If you’re looking for a tool to help facilitate classroom collaboration, try Fresco’s online whiteboard.

Join Our CBC Codebreaker Padlet Community

Please share your learning experience with both students and educators alike on our CBC Codebreaker Padlet:

Kindly share what the experience was like for you. What was the impact of spending 4 hours with the Codebreaker induction experience?

Would you recommend CBC Codebreaker to others? It would be most appreciated if you could share why you would recommend The CBC Codebreaker Approach for learning a Second Language.

We at CBC look forward to receiving your feedback and seeing our Codebreaker Padlet community grow!

21 Lessons To Guide My Boys On Their Journey To Becoming Men

As a mother in today´s society the issue of what kind of men my boy children will become is often on my mind. I wanted to be able to leave them a guide of what I have learned so far through the learning shchool of my own personal experiences. Here I share 21 lessons from my treasure trove of acquired wisdom. You too, will have your own treasure chest meanwhile take these from me to start your collection my darling loves.

No matter what is going on in your life there will always be ups and downs. The “downs” teach us to appreciate the “ups” and to live a meaningful and grateful life. I leave you this list because I know at some point in time you will have your own nest to build. I want you to do better than I did. Here is my “Mommy tool kit” for each of you. No matter what the situation is I am quite certain you will find a tool on this list to guide you through. Love, Mom.

1. God is real. Look for Him, seek him out with all your heart. Invite Him into your lives. It is the best love relationship you will ever have. It will give you the strength to get through the “downs” and it will have your cup overflowing during the “ups”.

2. Love- NEVER doubt how much YOU are loved by us, your parents. The enemy will try to make you think you are unlovable- that is a lie. You are both my miracles and loved beyond this world. Love yourself, get to know your strengths and weaknesses so you can help others learn to love and appreciate you. Do not keep people who mistreat your love in your life. Forgive them and let them go.

3. A smile does not kill. Sharing a smile with someone can save a person´s life, even yours, my loves. Kindness starts with a smile.

4. Find creative and fun ways to empty your cup of anger. NEVER bottle it up. Do not let your anger turn into an emotional prison of oppression.

5. Treat people ALWAYS as you wish to be treated in life, even when the people around you are disgusting, treat them better- it is possible they never grew up with the love you guys were blessed to have.

6. Marriage-May your wives be your best-friend and may you both love each other passionately as you grow and mature together. It will not always be easy but if there is true friendship you will always find ways to talk and heal together.

7. Sex- Sleeping around does not make you a great lover- value quality over quantity- learn to attend to your wife’s needs and have fun together. Pleasing each other should never be a burden. A foot rub can be as exciting as physical intercourse, if well done- learn well my boys. Value intimacy in your relationships and pleasure is a bonus. Pornography is not intimacy it is a lie. Learn and laugh together with wife- true intimacy and passion is built on trust.

8. Know your value as men in society. DO NOT ABUSE YOUR POWER! Learn to lead through service and by your example, my loves.

9. Show mercy on earth to all men. God´s greatest mercy to us was His sacrifice upon the Cross of Calvary. People are not always deserving of mercy but that is exactly why it is a most exquisite gift.

10. Never forget to be happy, my loves! Remember how we marveled at leaves on trees- their color and shapes and smell. Remember us listening to music in the car and playing with the sand between our toes whenever we ran away to the beach. Break the mold of worldly happiness my loves. Be happy with whatever you have before you. Do NOT allow what you do not have to steal your joy!

11. Remember to stop and check yourself always! Introspection is key to your emotional your spiritual maturity. No one is perfect but we can grow and change if we choose to.

12. RESPECT YOUR BODY! Exercise, eat well, fast, appreciate every morsel of food. Delight in meals shared with your family and friends and give thanks for the food you eat.

13. Never think you know enough. There is always something new to learn, unlearn, and relearn. This way adapting to change is doable. Not necessarily easy but doable.

14. Celebrate life and give GLORY to God at all times for all things the Good, the bad and the ugly. They are all meant to enrich your lives.

15. Make it a habit to say – I love you- to your wife and children every day with passion and gratitude in your heart. Never say it just for saying it. When you say it- those who receive it should be blessed by your “I love you.”

16. Cultivate intimacy with God and teach your wife and children to do the same, as you lead by example, they will follow.

17. Share responsibilities with your wife and honor her before your children- they will learn to honor their loved ones too.

18. Be smart with your finances! Give 50% of your earnings to your home, honor God with 10% and use the other 40% wisely- treat yourself to something special, save a part of it and invest the rest ask God to guide you and show you how to be a better administrator of your finances.


20. The Bible is your cellphone to the Heavens- READ it every day! Ask God Anything! I promise you HE will answer through His Word. Love His Word my sons. Let it be your joy and strength in all things to come.

21. Make “best days” your norm in life and you will live a life of best days and even on the terrible ones, something will happen to make it a “best” day.

Know that YOUR decisions today will define your tomorrow so choose wisely my loves. Your Mom.

2020- Here we come!

Wow! January is almost over. Today is the 28th already and so many great things are happening.

In the midst of the storms of 2019, I have learned to seek out the silver lining. This new year I was privileged to participate in a global English Language Teaching project to support disaster relief efforts for the beautiful tropical island of Puerto Rico.

93 presenters from Latin America, the Caribbean, and the World stepped up to share their expertise on in efforts to draw in teachers and students in hopes of raising funds for Red Cross Puerto Rico:



Many times, we are disgusted by or depressed and often times disappointed in humanity and its lack of compassion, yet, on the 26th of January, 2020, a new faith was restored in believing in the goodness of human beings.

The lessons I learned by volunteering at this event were incredible. The positive and productive use of technology enabled and empowered teachers from different corners of the world to collaborate online- 65+ teachers from all levels of school and universities met and shared ideas without selfishness.

I saw the best part of human beings working together on this project to help people we may never get to meet. I saw and admired organizational skills I lack but was inspired to learn from their example.

I saw everyone put aside their personal preferences to ensure the best possible scripting. Everyone’s suggestions were evaluated and taken into account and the ELT Day train kept going forward.

Leadership skills flourished, learning opportunities were in every task that was approached but most importantly for me was the committment of volunteers- it was awe-inspiring. People had to do tasks in between their 9 to 5 and even meet at hours outside of their timezones to be able to fully collaborate.

I worked on a video editing collaboration with another teacher in the USA on a program I had never used before, yet we combined our skills and creativity to accomplish our task. It was invigorating and mind-blowing all at once.

January 26, 2020 finally arrived and just before participating about some hours before, a friend called me confirm start dates for her in the USA, while doing so we realized my originally scheduled time would be 2 hours earlier than I had conceptualized. I had no idea how that had escaped me!

We were having an event at our home with at least 125 guests- I would need to finish everything by 9:30 to be available at 10pm Honduras time on-line. Yet, despite the hiccups at the start and some technical issues along the way, our 24hr EFLTalks marathon was amazing!

Topics were engaging and interesting, teachers were so connected to the “why,” we were doing this, that it was beautiful!

My learning takeaways are remarkable:

  • True collaboration is possible when we all share the same intent and purpose.
  • DO NOT waste time procrastinating- Just get up and do!
  • Ask for help when you do not know something.
  • My attitude defines the relationships I build.
  • Time is NO deterrent when everyone is prepared to say YES!

I have said it before TESOL is an oasis for dream builders and idealists to make change happen.

Thank you to all the amazing people I met and got to work with. I am raising my hand and saying “yes” in advance for future projects 😊😁

Here you can see our event: and here is our project:

There is hope in the world!

Action Tesol Caribbean Launch 2019

I landed in Jamaica, ready for a new adventure in TESOL. After serving as a volunteer with Honduras Tesol for 4 years, an opportunity arose to do the same for the English-speaking Caribbean. After being freed from my obligations with Helta, I was invited to be a part of a new project- Action Tesol Caribbean.

God has truly been glorified in making impossible things turn into history. My service with Honduras Tesol was god- sent and now Action Tesol would give me an opportunity to serve my people as well in the English speaking Caribbean and beyond.

What an adventure awaits me. I am a volunteer and I wish to share what I have learnt with my peers.

Action Tesol Caribbean will showcase English teachers in the Caribbean and open a door to Tesol International for them. We will present research projects, cross-regional collaborations etc. All with one objective in mind to ensure our future generations get the best possible educators in their classrooms.

Kudos to Jamaica for giving us the space to launch our initiative and I look forward to the growth and expansion of Action Tesol Caribbean in the region and beyond.

If you are a Caribbean English teacher and you would like to be a part of ATC teacher association or even consider opening a chapter in your region you can contact us at: on how to proceed.

Hope to hear from you out there.

Gracias, Lempira: Tesoro Historico Hondureño

Una fotografía habla mil palabras, Gracias, Lempira es una joya escondida en las montañas de Honduras.

Mucho he escuchado la gente hablar de Antigua Guatemala como centro turístico pero el pueblo de Gracias, Lempira tiene la potencial a hacer rival a esta creencia.

Fui a visitar el pueblo este fin de semana y fui impactada con la Ruta Lenca del Café, las iglesias antiguas, testimonio de la época española, la gastronomía del sector y la amabilidad del pueblo.

Sobretodo, me enamoré de las aguas termales El Presidente. ¡Parecia como si fuera uno a bañarse en medio de una esmeralda preciosa!

La naturaleza es más que suficiente para atraer a turistas tantos nacionales e internacionales al parque Celaque para sumergirse en la flora y fauna de la cordillera.

Hay iglesias con una historia de mas de 400 años en existencia. ¿Puede ud

imaginar las cantidades de oraciones y pueblos quienes han pasado por las puertas altas antiguas?

Los historiadores disfrutarán el pueblo de Gracias Lempira tambien los escritores y pintores buscando ser inspirados por los relatos de la gente. Hay un jardin botanico donde uno puede ir a ser inspirado y desgustar una buena taza de café hondureño.

Todo Hondureño debe conocer la tierra del cacique Lempira- es parte de formar su identidad nacional y el amor a su patria y su historia.

Las gastronomía- no se puede ir sin desgustar lo que ofrece el pueblo en terminos de la comida.

Yo probé el de melocotón que fue delicioso. Mi hijo el de fresa pura tambien riquissimo. Habían bebidas de limonada con hierba buena y menta- muy rica y aromatica.

En nuestro recorrido del pueblo, disfrutamos tomar fotos con una Taza gigante representativo de la ruta de café y su impacto en la region y después paseamos por el Castillo de San Cristobal.

Disfrutamos el viaje al departamento de Lempira y recomendo a todos los hondureños a enamorarse de los suyos porque realmente lo que he visto en este pais en mis 19 años de residir aqui- no hay nada para envidiar de los demas paises.

Lo que si se necesita es apreciar más lo que hay y buscar como apoyar y desarrollar los recursos naturales. Hay mucho para cultivar en lo turístico y para consumir en los productos nacionales.

Les invito a conocer a Gracias, Lempira, otro bello lugar de Honduras.

Prayer and Business? Do they go together?

As a business leader, I am constantly seeking direction from my God to guide my steps -to show me and help me weigh my options especially when it comes to making Hard Choices!

I found the following article about the “Price of Integrity”:

This article helped me come to terms with a very difficult and heart-breaking decision I had to face.

It is not always easy to determine how to make the right decision, sometimes only time will tell.

I was comforted by this article and I share it here for anyone else who might be facing a difficult decision to make.
